Community School District

300 Simonson Blvd. Deerfield, WI 53531
(608) 764-5431
Committed to excellence and equity in education.


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Music is a time for all students to explore and participate in the aural arts.  Through singing, playing instruments, listening to musical selections, movement, and working in cooperative groups, the students explore the musical concepts of pitch, melody, beat, rhythm, tempo, dynamics, harmony, timbre, expression, and cultural and historical influences.  Through this process, all students will hopefully develop an appreciation and love for music as both  performers and consumers.



MUSIC GRADES K-5  (Mrs. Thomas)


The basis of the K-5 music curriculum at Deerfield Elementary School is the textbook series, Share the Music.  This series presents the concepts listed above in a scope and sequence that is age appropriate and is based on state and national music standards.  As the students progress from year to year in the series, the concepts are continually reviewed and expanded upon.  A variety of songs, listening selections, and activities from different cultures and time periods are used to illustrate the concepts within each of the six units at each grade level.  Supplemental materials may also be added to further illustrate concepts and for performance at the Winter and Spring Programs.


Each student attends a 30-minute general music class twice a week.  Developing good performance skills, work habits, listening skills, and working cooperatively are important for success in music.  Each student needs to make the effort to actively and appropriately participate in all class activities to fully understand the concepts and reinforce learning.  In addition to the general music classes, fifth grade students also have the opportunity to participate in beginning band.  This consists primarily of small group lessons held during the student lunch hour, culminating in a performance in the spring.



MUSIC GRADE 6  (Mrs. Apold and Mr. Petersen)


Sixth grade choir is taught by Mrs. Apold.  Students meet once a week in their homeroom group and once a week as a large grade level group.  The focus is on vocal performance skills.  Mr. Petersen directs the sixth grade band as a large group twice a week and provides individual and/or small group lessons once each week.  Both the choir and band perform several times throughout the year.  Questions concerning these groups should be directed to Mrs. Apold or Mr. Petersen at the middle school/high school.








There is an old African proverb that says “It takes a village to raise a child.”  The music room theme for the 2010-2011 school year is a variation on this proverb.  The music room has been decorated in a tropical jungle theme.  As we work to explore this theme, students will focus on what it takes to be a “village” and to create quality music together.  Key terms we will discuss throughout the year are teamwork, respect, community, ensemble, listen, focus, watch, match, balance, and complement.  Then we will work to apply these terms to our classroom music performance.  We will also look at the importance of music in our lives and community.  I encourage you to share with your child how music is important to you as well as explore additional music opportunities outside the classroom setting.





Winter Holiday Program for grades 3-5 will be December 16 at 1:30PM and 7:00 PM.


Watch for more information to come home with your child as the date draws near.









December 16, 2010                   Winter Program Grades 3-5 at 1:30 PM and 7:30 PM



April 14, 2011                           Spring Program Grades K-2 at 1:30 PM and 7:30 PM






Comment, questions or ideas?  Call or email Nancy Thomas, K-5 Music teacher at 764-5442, ext. 5137 or










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